Switch Fabric Logo P Newman Consulting Logo

Peter Newman is on the technical staff at a new Silicon Valley startup.

He has been on the founding team of four prior startups: Ensim, where he was Chief Scientist; Ipsilon, inventors of "IP Switching;" Adaptive, where he designed the first ATM switch to fail in the enterprise market and Netillion.

In a previous life he was a research fellow at the Computer Laboratory of the University of Cambridge where in 1989 he received a PhD for some of the original research in hardware switch fabric design for high capacity packet switching.

IP, ATM, MPLS, Quality of Service, Traffic Management

Systems Architecture
Hardware switch fabrics, ATM switches,
IP routers, protocol specification

Performance Investigation
Simulation code, models, and evaluation

Standards Definition
ATM Forum, IETF, T1S1

Expert Witness
Prior art research, expert opinion

Technical Writing
High quality technical white papers, technology evangelism

Peter Newman
Fremont, CA
email: pn at pnewman.com